A high school course section was reported having zero minutes for the Instructional Time Planned field. Without this field being provided, this course section is not able to be counted for Rule 10 Instructional Unit totals. Please update the Course Offering record associated with the section in order to provide the number of instructional minutes in that field if needed.
Instructional Time Planned is the total number of planned clock minute instruction for a Course Offering. Generally, this should be at least as many minutes as is required for completion by the related state-defined course. This field is required for all 9th-12th grade student courses to meet Rule 10 instructional unit requirements (900 minutes = 1 IU), but optional for all others.
If the courses listed in the warning need to be included in the Instructional Units calculation for a district to meet Rule 10 instructional unit requirements, then Instructional Time Planned data needs to be submitted from your SIS.
In situations where a district has multiple sections within a single Course Offering and each have different total instructional minutes, NDE asks the SIS vendor to submit the average amount of minutes from those sections in this field.
If the courses listed in the warning are not needed for Instructional Unit calculation, the warning can be archived.